Dota 2 tournaments are in the corner and Team OG released on their facebook that their carry Pajkatt is not playing with them anymore. Below is OG’s full statement:

“As the second sequence of the DPC circuit is about to start, we will be making changes to the DotA 2 line-up. Moving forward, we will not be playing with Per Anders ‘Pajkatt’ Olsson Lille.
As we’ve only recently announced he would be replacing Anathan ‘Ana’ Pham, we feel the need to elaborate a little bit more on the step we are presently taking.
OG’s spirit has always been the one of trust and stability. We do not shy away from challenges or hard work, as you all know. We brought in Pajkatt. He is a very mechanically gifted player, a great DotA mind but also a truly professional team member.
During the weeks following his addition to our DotA 2 roster, we faced chemistry issues.
We realized there was not enough space in OG for Pajkatt to express his full potential. His profile, at the end of the way, no matter how excellent it is, did not match.
Team chemistry is a very complex matter, and regardless of how competent an individual is, sometimes the puzzle just doesn’t come together.
That being said, we hope the stay was mutually beneficial. Huge thanks and all the best Pelle!
During our bootcamp we managed to qualify for the Bucharest Minor, for that we are giving Pelle a cut, and also one if we manage to make it to the major.
Johan ‘N0tail’ Sundstein :
“Pajkatt is a great player, and I feel blessed that I got the chance to learn from him, but when a team with recent success brings in a new player, it is a difficult position to be in for anyone.
I’d like to extend a huge thanks to Pajkatt for the time we spent in Paris, and also a huge thanks to everyone else who keeps supporting OG through thick and thin!
All the best in the future PJ
And a kickass 2019 to you all!”
Per Anders ‘Pajkatt’ Olsson Lille:
“Thanks for giving me the chance to play, it’s unfortunate that things didn’t work out, I wish OG good luck for what’s coming next”
As for now, OG will be holding try-outs to fill out the carry position. We will announce Pajkatt’s replacement tomorrow.
These steps are necessary in the road to championships. Therefore, we will keep working hard in order to be ready for the competitive challenges ahead of us.
We would like to thank our fans for their immense support, through highs & lows as usual.
See you soon in your favorite DotA events.
Stay tuned for more updates.
Team OG”

Team OG won the last Dota 2: The International. What’s next for Team OG after Pajkatt leaves their roster?
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