Korean Drama, more popularly called, “KDrama” or “Koreanovela refers to Korean-language television shows made in South Korea. These shows began to be produced around the early 1960s but were mostly consumed domestically…
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It’s been 2 years since the famous Korean supergroup, “BTS” announced their group hiatus to give way to their solo albums, and their military enlistment. But it seems, the group…
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Experience old Manila during its glory days through Las Casas Filipinas De Acuzar in Bataan
“Pearl of The Orient“, “The Paris of the East” and once the most advanced city in Asia. “Manila” was the home of the rich and influential people during their times.…
A fully and newly restored Marilou Diaz Abaya’s masterpiece, “Jose Rizal” is back on the big screen as GMA Pictures remastered the award winning film. The film was based on…
A new artist has been making hits left and right under the name of one particular artist from Tarsier Records, a record label and subsidiary of ABS-CBN’s Star Music. Ralph…
A new album has been released from one of the member of P-Pop Boygroup SB19. Josh Cullen or JC to his fans, was nothing but excited to release his first…
When you say fave K-Drama, everyone will pull-out their own list of their favorite through all these years! As for me, I think I’ve found my new favorite K-Drama next…
Shout out to all PH-ARMY, as this is the last weekend to visit and enjoy the BVERSE: BTS, Singing the Stars Exhibition as it ends this Sunday, September 1, 2024. This…
A follow up to her documentary “A Thousand Cuts,” Ramona Diaz’s “And So It Begins” follows the 2022 Philippine election, and Vice President Leni Robredo’s run for office. The film lays…
Project SONAR, an initiative by the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) , identified 30,682 vulnerabilities in over 2,000 online assets, highlighting significant security risks. The congressional hearing is focused…