It’s a great time to start the year 2020 with good vibes as we welcome you to the world of Teacher Kim— a hip, bubbly, and playful professor.

Will she approve the submitted seat work? What happens when the teacher becomes a student for a day? Let’s discover and join Teacher Kim’s journey to social media stardom and watch how she cluelessly explores tasks set by Shang-High Syndicate.
At the top of this list, there’s a surprise! What will happen to her? Will she like it or skip the class? Find out here in the full episode below.
In this video, watch her as she tries these popular Filipino gin mixes:

•RPG = Red Horse Beer + Pineapple Juice + Gin

•RED ALERT = Red Sting energy drink + Orange Juice + Gin

•GINYAKOLAIT= Gin + Yakult + Chokolait

•SHEMBOT = Gin + Melon Juice + 3 in 1 Coffee
For interesting features and lessons, watch out for exciting episodes from Teacher Kim.
Photo Sources:, @shanghigh.syndicate, @kimberlypanis