There are situations when we don’t have the option to bring our furbabies with us. But how do we ensure that our furbabies are safe and happy when we’re not around?

Like humans, pets are also prone to depression and separation anxiety – yes, even cats, as solitary as they can come off sometimes. Any slight change to your pet’s environment can trigger these feelings and affect their health. So to avoid unnecessary vet visits, it’s best to take some extra steps.
Get a pet sitter!

Pet sitters are great because it gives your pets someone to interact with while you’re away, and enables you to check on your pet regularly.
Now, getting a pet sitter isn’t as easy as asking your neighbor or your relatives to come over and attend to feeding and cleaning. For the gameplan to be effective, make sure to follow these steps:

Orient the pet sitter to your pet.
Slowly getting your pets used to the pet sitter at least a weak before your planned trip will be a huge help. Your presence will make both parties feel safer while they get to know each other.

Agree on scheduled check-ups.
It’s polite and ethical to have agreed schedules for you to have face-time or calls for your pets so you can respect the pet sitter’s time as well. Think about it, imagine being that unreasonable person who calls at 2 am without notice?

Provide your pet’s schedule for the pet sitter.
Specify their regular feeding time, walks, or bathing time for your pet sitter to follow.

Provide emergency numbers.
Give your pet sitters contact numbers they can contact in case of emergencies: your trusted vet, relatives that can assume the position in the case your pet sitter or you cannot proceed with your contract or need for an extension.

Make sure to keep all your pet’s supplies well-stocked and labeled with information.
This is to avoid mistakes and to ensure your pet’s diet and other needs are upheld.
If the trip is short notice and you don’t have prep time, please we recommend to check your pets in at a pet hotel! For more information, please read our linked article below:
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