Representatives from different Poultry, Livestock and Agriculture businesses around the country held a forum at Sulo Riviera Hotel, Quezon to discuss matters concerning their businesses and the industry they are a part of.
Various concerns were raised, including farmers’ produces’ continuous decline in the market.
Jinn So, wife of PPIA (Philippine Poultry Integrated Alliance) President and CEO, Peter So said that during these industry’s trying times, it is vital to be steadfast and unite as one. She boldly admitted that there would come a time where she thought that she would just give up. But, a woman of passion as she was, her beliefs remain unfazed and unshaken. Mrs. So then urged everyone to come hand in hand as they advance their rights for more sustainable product-market compensation.
The agriculture, poultry and livestock industry in the Philippines has been in the crosshairs of controversy as growers and small retail farmers are being monopolized by traders and middlemen, gaining more in terms of profit and revenue than the latter.
“Today’s event must produce. We should walkout from this room with a compact. A blood compact to say we have to work together already” Cedric Sycip, guest and poultry owner.
The Philippine Poultry Integrated Alliance, Inc. – PPIA is an agricultural advocacy group of poultry growers aiming to improve the industry by promoting, sustaining, and developing the interests and welfare of its members. Our goal is to build long-term stability for poultry farms.