1CISP (1 Cooperative Insurance Systems of the Philippines), in partnership with PPIA (Philippine Poultry Integrated Alliance), held a food security forum at the Sulo Riviera Hotel – Manila. This event aims to gather delegates from different food and agricultural sectors to discuss matters that concern the food industry.

PPIA President Mr. Peter So, his wife Mrs. Jinn So and 1CISP President Roy Miclat took the initiative not to just to hear out their colleagues concerns but also provide solutions.
1CISP introduced the Food Security Insurance Program that would cover against the perils of natural causes and more.
The insurance covers the properties owned and operated by the business owners. More specifically in the event of fire and lightning, earthquake, typhoon, floods. Extended coverages are also available like vehicle impact, domestic explosion, falling aircraft, riot, strike and malicious damage resulting to loss, damage or destruction inflicted upon building structures, machineries and equipment.

The first part of the meeting was a presentation where guests discussed the common challenges that their business and industry faced. After the presentation, an open forum was held among the guests. They were given the chance to talk about the status of their business and the current struggles they are facing in their local areas.
The forum was pegged to be a series of meetings and eventually proceed with elevating to the DA (Department of Agriculture) their concerns and proposals.

The 1CISP (1 Cooperative Insurance System of the Philippines) was founded on January 25, 1974. It was organized to promote and engage in the service of life insurance as a cooperative.
It is operating nationwide with 8 area offices, insuring mostly the underprivileged and farmers of the country.
To date, CISP has more than 2,000 cooperative members and insuring over 700,000 individuals annually.