The power of social media is so evident that it changes the landscape of different industries. In the
Philippines alone, from politics, showbizz, marketing and even personal lives of its 100 million plus
population, the use of social media, particularly Mark Zuckerberg’s FaceBook has become a necessity.

CAPTION: A report from wearesocialsg showing how the Philippines is into Facebook as of 2016
This the very reason why a lot of people are turning to Facebook as their virtual messenger, harnessing
its usability in almost all aspects. Instead of printing invitations for your family’s occasion, you can use
FaceBook to create an event, put your invitation there and viola, you can already invite your relatives and
friends, without the cost and hassle of going through with the printing of actual invitations. What’s great
is that you can already get RSVPs from your guests.
In the field of integrated marketing communications where this writer belongs, knowing and maximizing
the proper use of social media is key to any campaign that we will propose. There are certain companies,
brands, products and services that can enjoy the benefits of social media but we use this as part
only of the whole marketing and promotions mix. You see, in Facebook, the environment is so cluttered
that you have to be very creative and precise if you will implement a social media campaign so as not
to waste your efforts and most of all, what client wants to hear, the campaign must be cost effective and
That is why rising above the clutter is important. And as a digital marketer for Full Blast Digicomms, Inc.,
(digital agency of TEAM PRC), I am always observing the social media and looking at what is trending
that appeals to the majority of the market. And then I saw this post of PEP lead contributor Arnel Serato…

Whoa, I thought. UP Repertory? Posting something graphic as this? I had to dig deep. I had to see if the
disclaimer, “Hindi ito fake news” is true. So I asked our digital marketing specialist to check the posts.

UP Repertory’s “creative” way in announcing its audition.

CLEVER. With how the netizens are reacting and engaging to the posts, you can say that UP Repertory was able to change the usually “boring” posters in bulletin board.
Kudos to UP Reportory. They were able to get the attention of their target volunteers. Not only that, even
media organization such as featured their witty Facebook posts. What’s more, this digital marketer
and writer was also able to learn a thing and two from this unusual and creative way to announce.
For more information on the requirements of UP Reportory, you may visit their official FB page at