Manila, Philippines (Date) – The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) has shown strong support for the formalization of jeepney drivers which would see them become regular employees with better working conditions. This will enhance their security and welfare in line with other efforts by the government to promote job security and social protection for workers in the informal sector.

“The formalization of jeepney drivers is essential because they are an integral part of our public transportation system,” Bienvenido E. Laguesma, DOLE Secretary stated in a recent interview. According to him or her, “Through regularization, jeepney drivers can enjoy not only job security but also labor rights and benefits.”
The DOLE has been actively involved in discussions with stakeholders such as transport cooperatives and organizations representing jeepney drivers about designing mechanisms that could be useful during the regularization process. These include:

Conducting labor rights awareness campaigns: The DOLE is tasking itself with the chore of having to inform jeepney drivers of their rights and benefits under Philippine labor laws. This empowers them to know how to advocate on matters concerning their interests.

Technical assistance shall be provided to the jeepney operators regarding labor standards and regulations in complying with the minimum wage and social security contributions.
The DOLE therefore facilitates collective bargaining, encouraging drivers to organize and engage in collective bargaining with the employing entity for better conditions and terms of employment.

Unless jeepney regularization takes the right course, it will affect the lives of millions of Filipinos dependent on this type of transportation. Direct employment will open up access to health insurance and retirement benefits for jeepney drivers and extend other protective social measures.