TA-FBDI’s admin and HR officer Jess Bernardo lives a balanced life with family and work as her main priority. Add to that, this cool girl is a certified army who is always updated about anything and everything about BTS.
With the advent of gadgets, one tends to rely on their smartphone to record or plan their schedules. Not Jesse. Even if she has her laptop and smartphone that she uses at work, she still rely on that old school organizer.

The Starbucks planner comes in two classy colors. Brown and Beige. It also includes a leather cover and a pen. Their logo is part of its design. Collecting stickers and getting the planner is a simple habit for collectors to continue to over the years. To some, it has even become a tradition.
Every year, Starbucks keeps on challenging itself with different and unique look. This year, the organizer boasts of a sleek cover with the design having a marine life as tribute to its iconic mermaid logo.

The style of the organizer is very practical with its cover overlapping with a sign pen tucked, that its user can easily tap and write or update their schedule. You can also see a detachable leather card holder and ruler bookmark. The planner’s pages consist of your standard monthly calendars and weekly grids that have notes of international and local holidays.
The planner is also designed ready for your to do lists with blank pages and cute stickers that have personal touch. Add to that, post cards that can also be part of your journaling and add that extra cuteness as you put your personal schedules.
You see, even with my gadgets, I still use my trusty notebook organizers. In my case, Starbucks planner it is. Because more than the item, it’s about organizing your schedules and having a habit of being on time and sticking to my deadlines.