Metro Pacific Investments Foundation, Inc. (MPIF) reaffirms its commitment to environmental stewardship with robust support for the Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park and World Heritage Site. Through the Biodiversity and Habitat Protection program, MPIF provides crucial funding for ecosystem research, monitoring, and enforcement, solidifying its dedication to preserving the Philippines’ ecological gem. From January to September 2022, MPIF’s funding facilitated essential relief trips for marine park rangers, water quality monitoring, beach forest reforestation, and procurement of equipment and supplies. This financial support empowers the Tubbataha Management Office (TMO) to execute vital conservation initiatives, ensuring the park’s integrity and safety.

MPIF President Melody del Rosario emphasizes the collective effort needed to safeguard the Tubbataha Reefs. This collaboration envisions enhanced conservation and protection, encompassing ecosystem health assessments, scientific data generation, and proactive strategy formulation. The Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park holds Ramsar site status, highlighting its international importance as a wetland conservation area. Enforcing protection measures is crucial, and MPIF’s funding plays a pivotal role in supporting marine park rangers and their diverse responsibilities, from law enforcement to ecological monitoring.

The partnership between MPIF and TMO focuses on enforcing laws, monitoring biodiversity, and conducting ecosystem research. Water quality assessments and beach reforestation initiatives contribute to the park’s sustainable management, showcasing the commitment to maintaining a delicate ecological balance.
Aligned with the MVP Group’s Gabay Advocacies, specifically Gabay Kalikasan, MPIF’s commitment to Tubbataha reflects its dedication to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This collaboration reinforces MPIF’s role, alongside MPIC, as a catalyst for a Sustainable Philippines, actively contributing to the well-being and quality of life for all Filipinos.

As the partnership evolves, MPIF pledges an additional P1 million for the repair of the heavily-damaged Tubbataha Ranger Station, ensuring a resilient infrastructure for marine park rangers. The new ranger station complex will include quarters, a research station, and a helipad, demonstrating a forward-looking commitment to sustainable conservation efforts.
Metro Pacific Investments Foundation’s steadfast support for Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park showcases a robust commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable practices. As MPIF continues to champion biodiversity and habitat protection, the collaborative efforts contribute significantly to the preservation of Tubbataha’s ecological richness and its crucial role in the Philippines’ natural heritage. Stay tuned for updates on this transformative conservation journey.