The rush of the wind, the whistling in your ears, and throttle of your motor. These are some of what you feel when you’re riding Motorcycle.
The motorcycle is a simple machine. It’s a bicycle with an engine attached to it. But it’s much more than that. It’s a lifestyle, it’s a way of life.
Here are three reason why you should have a motorcycle.
- Less traffic and save time
When you’re on a motorbike you can navigate through traffic easily. You can quickly take alternative routes, and use your knowledge to take shortcuts.
A motorcycle can also pass in the center lane. When stuck in a traffic jam during rush hour, motorcycles can conveniently weave in between stationary cars to get to their destination faster. It’s practically the most common thing that Motorcycle riders do.

- Cheap Maintenance
Unlike cars, motorcycles save more on fuel. With a lighter load, motorcycles can go further with a lot less fuel.
When it come to repair it’s much easier compared to cars. Plus, parts are cheaper. You could even do the repair by yourself, if you’re willing and determined enough to do it.

- Thrilling Adventure
All of you would agree to the fact that motorcycles are fun to ride. There are a lot of thrilling adventures filled within your motor. It just awaits for you to get it out. You can pull those amazing wheelies or stoppies by just playing with the throttle. It can make you fly in the air on those humps or make your kiss the road on those curves ride to a mountain, beach, rivers with your buddies.

The motorcycle became popular and most common transportation today because of its convenient. You are able to go to work or school without getting late, easily find parking space, and feel the thrill of adventure when riding.
It can take you to the most places that cars can’t.
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