Still, it’s important to remember the reason for the season and of course, taking care of yourself throughout so you can live more and do more out of your day.
The holiday season is just around the corner, and that meansstuffing our faces with all the guilty pleasures served to us in giant servings. Let’s face it, Christmas is the season for eating—and maybe a bit of booze.
No need to wait for the new year to make a resolution. Below are some things to keep in mind while celebrating this Christmas so you can fit and healthy during the festivity.
Know your Alcohol Limit
Christmas parties are all about celebration and memories but, make sure you’re sane enough to recall these things. Drinking moderately allows you not only to live in the moment but also to be kind to your body.
There’s no need to abuse yourself with the alcohol. As they say, “May bukas pa!” so, knowing when to call it a night will surely have your head filled with grateful thoughts in the morning.

Drink Your Water
Drinking water before, during, and after a night out will help keep your body hydrated. Contrary to popular belief, urinating while out should be an honor, not a hassle. It means that whatever toxins that might be lurking in your body are being flushed out.
While hydration, in general, is important, keeping your H2O intake high will help your brain stay alert, wash down as much alcohol as it can, and save you from that terrible hangover when you wake up.

Sweat It Out
Reaching the end of the year shouldn’t mean reaching the end of your exercise! Stay active as much as you can. Walk your dog, run with friends, or take your strong independent self to the gym.
It’s important to keep moving throughout the festivities. The food, drinks, and long nights may cause bloating. Your bed might tempt you to stay in the morning after, but a study at the University of Georgia says that staying active can boost your energy levels by 65%. Definitely, a better way to enjoy your holidays!

Eat Often, but in Small Amounts
Don’t panic! We’re not saying to only eat one piece of lechon every 2 hours. All we mean is to not fill your plate to the brim in one sitting. Pacing yourself when you eat is a way to help your digestive system process the food you eat.
If you overwhelm your stomach in one go, you’ll feel bloated and your energy level will hit a scary low. Eating in smaller amounts will not only stabilize your energy, but it’ll also control your sugar level and fatty acids in your blood. It’s okay to wait a little bit for your second round. There’ll still be food left… We hope.
Since Christmas is mostly the time for family and friends, being present and energized is key. Keeping your stomach filled with the right kinds of food and drinks can get tricky, but when all else fails, Santé Pure Barley Canister can keep you healthy through the crazy celebrations. It contains vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, and carotenoids. Now you can get all the goodness that multi-nutrient, chlorophyll-rich food has to offer while indulging yourself with the foods you love this season.
More time to eat and enjoy the holidays, while staying healthy and fit. So, the only question left now is: Which Christmas party do we go to first?